Call Now: 954-440-1800
8040 Peters Road, Suite H104, Plantation, FL 33324 • 954-440-1800
350 Camino Gardens Blvd Suite 106, Boca Raton, FL 33432 • 954-440-1800
NOW try the one that WORKS – Vanquish ME!
Will destroy fat cells!
Lose inches in the treated area Guaranteed!!!!!!
Stubborn Fat – We Can Eliminate It!!!
“Offering Non-Invasive FDA Cleared Stubborn Fat Solutions Since 2008”

FDA Cleared to Permanently Eliminate Stubborn Fat

Why Vanquish Me and Not Cool Sculpting?
- 75% Lower in Cost – With Better Clinical Test Results
- TEN TIMES the treatment Area Versus Coolsculpting or Sculpsure
- Lose INCHES From Your Abdomen & Love Handles
- No Contact with Body – No Painful Side Effects
- Tightens and Tones the Skin in Addition to Fat Reduction
- Guaranteed Results are Available
- Backed by BTL Aesthetics – 300 Million Dollar Worldwide Company
- Newest Technology Developed for Non-Invasive Reduction
You owe it to yourself to come in for a free consultation to learn the profound difference in this leading edge system. Special Pricing available to those who previously tried Coolscupting or Sculpsure. Additional FAQ’s below to learn more.
Forever Trim Body Sculpting Centers is excited to offer their patients the most effective non-surgical fat destroying technology available today……The Vanquish ME™.
Get better results than Cool Sculpting or Sculpsure.
Offers you a dramatically larger treatment area, saves you up to 75% of the cost of Coolsculpting/Sculpsure.
WHAT DOES THE PROCEDURE FEEL LIKE? IS IT PAINFUL? The main advantage of VANQUISH ME™ is comfortable and pain-free treatment. All you will typically feel is a warm sensation in the treated area. The treatment does not physically touch the skin and is performed in a laying down position so you can relax during the procedure.
HOW FAST WILL I SEE RESULTS? IS THERE ANY DOWNTIME? Many patients report changes as soon as 2 to 3 weeks after the first treatment, when their body starts to naturally eliminate disrupted fat cells. There is no downtime, so you can easily return to your daily activities right after each session.
WHO IS THE RIGHT CANDIDATE FOR VANQUISH ME™? Those who desire aesthetic improvement without the cost and recovery time of surgery. The treatments are designed to decrease the circumference of the abdomen – regardless of BMI.
HOW LONG IS THE TREATMENT? HOW MANY SESSIONS DO I NEED? During the first visit, your provider will help design your individual treatment plan. Most patients undergo 4 to 6 treatments, scheduled 1 to 2 weeks apart. A treatment typically lasts 45 minutes for the abdominal area.
This non-invasive, non-contact treatment will destroy fat cells and permanently eliminate them.
Tightens, tones and makes skin smoother.
FDA Cleared
No surgery, no downtime, no painful side effects.
Do you want a better result, that is guaranteed, at a fraction of the cost of other treatments?
If so, come in for a free consultation
Plantation Raton: 954-440-1800

Image Credits: BTL Vanquish & RealSelf
For More Information, Fill Out the Contact Form Below

Are you one of the many adults that complain diet and or exercise have failed you in losing a few inches?
Maybe you’re frustrated with skin laxity, skin tone and or textural irregularities?
If either of these scenarios seems familiar and you elected for a non-invasive body shaping or tightening therapy, but don’t want to have to wait weeks or months to realize a change then consider CELLUTONE™.
When synergistically combining non-invasive body shaping and tightening therapy with the powerful energy of CELLUTONE™’s mechanical massage, one experiences an enhancement to their overall results.
CELLUTONE™ uses the power of therapeutic vibrations while ensuring unrivaled level of patient comfort and safety. In aesthetic medicine, therapeutic vibrations were successfully modified to the clinical needs of cellulite therapy and they can also contribute to increase lymphatic drainage, waste elimination and blood flow.
How many treatments do I need?
The recommended number of treatments will complement and occur immediately post your non-invasive body shaping or tightening procedure.
Typically between 4 to 6 sessions over the course of a few weeks will be administered.
Who is this procedure right for?
CELLUTONE™ treatments are safe for patients of all ages and skin types who are undergoing a non-invasive body shaping and or tightening procedure and want a quicker and enhanced result. This is an option for those who desire aesthetic improvement without the cost and recovery time of surgery.
What kind of results can I expect?
Results may vary from patient to patient depending on many factors. The therapy itself is comfortable and painless. Patients have reported visible improvements after a single treatment session when used in conjunction with a non-invasive tightening or body shaping device. You may resume your normal daily activities immediately.
Contact Us
Forever Trim Body Sculpting Centers South Florida Locations
1127 S. University Drive
Plantation, Fl. 33324